Ballad Of The Boy In The Red Shoes | Elton John |

Ballad Of The Boy In The Red Shoes

Testo Ballad Of The Boy In The Red Shoes

I‘m stoned in the twilight
Screaming on the inside
Give me your water, help me survive
Gonna miss the sunlight
When I lose my eyesight

Give me my red shoes, I want to dance
They search for an answer
But that old man wouldn‘t listen
Back then I was handsome
Back then he was ignorant

And shave off the years now, it‘s all inside my head
The boy in the red shoes is dancing by my bed
Put them in a box somehere, put them in a drawer
Take my red shoes, I can‘t wear them anymore

Had garlands in the wings back then
All the pretty little things back then
Calling out my name, oh what fame brings
After curtain calls and bows
I can‘t see the front row now
Hand me my red shoes just one more time

They pushed aside our presence
They refused to go the distance
Back then I was Sigmund
Back then he wouldn‘t listen

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